Importance of having a passive income and how you can have one

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Time is one of our most precious resources, which is why as an investor you need to use it as wisely as possible. Unlike money, we can’t earn back the time that’s already been spent – once it’s gone, it’s gone.

When you’re starting a business, your top priorities are likely profit and success, and part of that involves making the most of your time, using it in the right areas to grow your business in the most effective way, and creating the freedom you desire.

A passive income is something that many investors aspire to achieve. It’s a regular form of income that requires little maintenance or effort on your behalf, and most importantly, it’s not reliant on you inputting your time on a daily or hourly basis.

This type of income will generate on its own, which allows you to focus on other areas of your business or profession and quite literally make money while you sleep.

With a rise in standard of living and inflation, it is always better to have income coming from multiple places so that you constantly stay afloat if one source of income dries up.

Examples of a passive income include rent from a second property, dividends from shares, and investments.

Credence Investments offers secure passive income streams through multiple investment portfolios where you can earn from 12 to 48 per cent profit per annum. This way you can earn a second income without investing any time or effort from your side and create a substantial income pool for retirement, a new home or any of your financial goals.

For more details get in touch with us today!

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